iKazoo: Kazoo-inspired controller is one weird gadget

iKazoo: Kazoo-inspired controller is one weird gadget

Special thanks to: Amanda Kooser   The iKazoo crams everything from a breath synthesizer to an optical game controller into one weird, wavy device. The iKazoo blows on purpose. (Credit: Ogaco Gadgets) You’re sitting around dreaming up new ways to control Android and iOS devices….


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Magische Flöte als Spiele-Controller, Instrument und mehr

Magische Flöte als Spiele-Controller, Instrument und mehr

Special thanks to: Sven Wernicke   Früher einmal war das Kazoo ein recht beliebtes Musikinstrument – zum Beispiel im Ursprungsland Afrika. Mittlerweile wird das winzige Membranophon mit seinem quäkenden Klang, der durch Summen entsteht, eher zur Unterhaltung genutzt. Genau dazu dient auch die elektronische Variante mit dem…


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iKazoo: Ungewöhnlicher Flöten-Controller für jede Lebenslage

iKazoo: Ungewöhnlicher Flöten-Controller für jede Lebenslage

Wer sich mit Musikinstrumenten auskennt, wird sicher von einem Kazoo gehört haben. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Art Flöte mit einer integrierten Membran, die durch Ansingen oder Ansprechen in Schwingung gebracht wird und dadurch Melodien erzeugt. Ähnlich funktioniert auf gewisse Weise auch das sogenannte…


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iKazoo is on IndieGoGo!

iKazoo is on IndieGoGo!

Special thanks to: Michael Anderson   iKazoo is on IndieGoGo Back in December I wrote about an intriguing new controller called the iKazoo, which I described as an ‘everything controller’, since it has dual breath controllers, multiple touch sensors, accelerometers, and so on. With the iKazoo you…


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iKazoo Android controller hits indiegogo!

iKazoo Android controller hits indiegogo!

Special thanks to: Shane McGlaun @ Android Community   There are no shortages of external controllers for Android devices for things like gaming and other needs. A new controller is now up for pre-order called the iKazoo and it is called the most versatile entertainment assistant ever….


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iKazoo Music Controller Hits Indiegogo for Pre-Order!

iKazoo Music Controller Hits Indiegogo for Pre-Order!

Special thanks to: Technabob A little while back, we featured an unusual little interactive gadget called the iKazoo. This wireless device can be paired with iOS or Android gadgets, and can be used as a touch, voice or breath controller. At the time iKazoo was simply…


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Pre-order iKazoo today!

Pre-order iKazoo today!

Dear subscribers, We have finally launched our campaign on indiegogo.com. Please hurry and reserve an iKazoo early bird edition for yourself or your loved ones today by clicking on the following link: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ikazoo or just easily search our campaign’s name, iKazoo, on indiegogo.com . Please…


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Not Your Grandpa’s Kazoo!

Not Your Grandpa’s Kazoo!

Special thanks to: TECHCONSUMER The kazoo, one of the most basic musical instruments around, just got a hi-tech makeover that you wouldn’t believe. Featuring a massive host of features, the iKazoo has musical, gaming, sports, entertainment and art applications all in one little handheld device. The…


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Ogaco Gadgets Introduces the iKazoo

Ogaco Gadgets Introduces the iKazoo

Special thanks to: Michael Anderson There are controllers for just about everything that utilize touch, motion, and breath. Now we get one that integrates all of these, and utilizes the latest Bluetooth protocols to interface with just about anything! The first thing you might think when…


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A Kazoo and So Much More!

A Kazoo and So Much More!

Special thanks to: Alison     As tablets and smartphones rise in popularity you see more and more accessories designed like things we know. There is the old school phone handset to attach to your iPhone. Or maybe you prefer to look like a trucker…


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